
Share What Makes Your Work Unique

Differentiate your unique expertise and find real confidence. Make deeper connections with your ideal clients and stop feeling awkward and cringy. Get more clear, comfortable, and confident marketing your business every week!

this is the most impactful part of your story

Today, I've got a GREAT way to avoid making a BIG mistake - and a dose of tough love for you. The Strategy: Share from a place that is resolved and healed. Why This Works: Here's your tough love: Your audience is not your therapist. Say it with me, "My audience does not exist to help me work through my pain." Even if you believe the individuals in your audience genuinely care about you (and they most likely really do! 😉) there is an implicit social contract between you that they are paying...

this makes your story more believable - and relateable

Today's strategy helps you deepen the connective powerof your stories. The Strategy: Describe the pivotal moment that made you care about your work. Why This Works: Your ideal client needs to know that something in your personal experience drives you to do your work beyond money. To trust you, they need to hear that you care about your work, in a way they can see. (and hopefully, you love your work, not just the moola it brings you. If you're just in it for the money - sorry, but people will...

this is what they want the MOST but expect the LEAST

We're bombarded with selling and marketing messages. It's rare to experience genuine, personal connection - especially when people are expecting marketing! (This is why this strategy works for well!) The Strategy: Tell them why you care about your work. Why This Works: Your ideal client needs to hear that you genuinely care about your work. When you share the values and experiences that have lead you to do what you do, your ideal client can develop the trust in you they need to feel confident...

this works really well most of the time

Brains are freaking fascinating. Just one word can sooth this savage into compliance! Run your own experiments to see just how effective this strategy is - and tell me about your results! Use This Strategy: Use the word "because." Why This Works: One of your brain's main jobs is to make sense of things. The word "because" justifies and explains things to your brain - and to your ideal client's brain. (Note: even if the justification is flimsy, it still works! but be a good doobie and don't...

the one thing you need to focus on most

Maybe you're seeing a theme in these Brand Clarity's really all about THEM (not you, not me). When you can see the world - and describe what's possible - from your ideal client's perspective, it shows that you understand their experience. This creates a bond that makes them feel seen - and safe with you! When this interest in your ideal client is genuine, it becomes an important part of YOUR brand! Today we're getting into some of the nuance that is important to consider as you...

this makes you invaluable to them

Be the champion they've been looking for. Use This Strategy: Tell them what they deserve. Why This Works: Describing the aspirational future that your ideal client wants and telling them they deserve to have it positions you as their champion. We all secretly want our own personal champion, amiright? You're also future-casting a vision for them and shining a light forward toward their end-goal. When they can see themselves - at the point at which they finally get the outcome they desire -...

this ensures you are understood

This simple structure that captures everything your ideal client needs to know to understand where you're coming from. Use This Strategy: Have a defined perspective. Why This Works: Articulating your ideal client's problems and desires demonstrates your expertise and builds connection. Make it easy for them to understand by breaking it down into a structure like this: 1) your ideal client's problem 2) what your client desires 3) your opinion about the best way to achieve this desire It is...

take away this huge roadblock for your ideal client

This will feel like a gift to your ideal client. Use This Strategy: Describe what your ideal client is tolerating. Why This Works: Change is hard - and most people tend to stick with what they already know. Even when their current situation is really uncomfortable. EVEN when their current situation is clearly intolerable. Your ideal client probably has shame about being in this situation. They feel stuck, which can be terribly discouraging and paralyzing. Describing your ideal client's...

when you can't stand how gross it feels

Eliminate the icky feeling that comes from "doing" marketing. Use This Strategy: Share to connect, not to convince. Why This Works: People make buying decisions with their emotions - and justify their decisions with facts. Giving your ideal client opportunities to get to know you through the info you share. Build an emotional connection with your ideal client by sharing the information they need to trust you. Your information can do any of these jobs: Shows that you understand them. Offers...

this lets you live the cringe-free life

One of the biggest barriers that keeps your ideal clients from trusting you can be solved by being direct. Use This Strategy Tell them exactly what makes you good at what you do. Why This Works Your ideal client NEEDS to hear from YOU about what makes you good at what you do. (btw, I know this is HARD, but tough-love >>> this is a basic expectation, so let's figure it out for you!) Unfortunately, most people have a hard time being specific and direct about their positive qualities. You may...

Differentiate your unique expertise and find real confidence. Make deeper connections with your ideal clients and stop feeling awkward and cringy. Get more clear, comfortable, and confident marketing your business every week!